Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Loving the loop

We have easily taken over where we left off last year!  The kids have been both productive and happy.  They are working very hard and I am super proud of them!
Roll & Write a sight word - Daily 5

Guided Reading - Daily 5

Computer Center - Daily 5

More Word Work

-an enthusiastic reader!

and more readers

Authors in training at the writing center
We have begun a weather unit with Mrs. Lynch in Science Lab.  We are learning how to chart and measure the weather.  The kids absolutely love it!
Science Lab - learning to read a thermometer with Mrs. Lynch

We have added a new routine called "Fun Friday". This is a time to reward all of our first graders hard work with a fun activity to end off our week. Parents are welcome to come in after lunch and offer a craft, a game or be a "mystery reader".  Let me know if you want me to put you on the schedule.

"Fun Friday" with Mrs. Harmon 

Making Halloween themed Sensory Bags
Spooky gooey fun!

"Coloring Club" at recess

I love this group!