Saturday, April 23, 2016

Writing and Reading fiction and nonfiction texts

My goodness, have we been busy!  We have gone from a study of the alphabet, to journal writing, to book writing! All the while, the kids are reading both fiction and non fiction books with purpose and understanding.

The class embarked on a study of fairy tales last month in order to better understand the elements of stories: characters, setting and plot (with a conflict and resolution). At the end of our unit we wrote a class fairy tale with all of those story elements.  Each K kid took a copy home in their folder before spring break.  We also created a screen cast of our fairy tale.  Here it is!

We have also been super busy learning about the differences between living and non living things.  We now know that living things are plants, animals or people that need food, water, air and a place to grow.  After reading several books about both living and non living things, the kids created their own books.  Here is a short video showing one of our expert authors sharing his book with his classmates as they help him to make his good book even better in a peer writing conference.

And please stay tuned for our next series of books on animal habitats!  These books will be featured in our upcoming "Spring into Learning" Walk Through on May 5th. Here are a few photos of our young authors hard at work.

There is some major & magnificent blooming occurring!